Tuesday, September 8

Dad is scheduled for surgery

Well...dad is on his way to the hospital right now. He is being admitted to Jewish Hospital in Louisville, KY. I will post his phone number later today if anyone wants to call him.

His medication, blood thinners, will be switched from coumidin to heprin for surgery. He will be monitored today and possible surgery tomorrow or maybe Thursday.

My plan is to drop off the kids at daycare tomorrow morning. Then work a few hours and head to Jewish in Louisville. It's only 100 miles from my work, which takes about 90 minutes to get to. If he dosen't have surgery Wed, then I will stay the night and come home on Thursday after he is out of recovery.

By the way....Aug 23 is when I listed to dad's heart and it took over 2 weeks for him to get into a primary care physician, referred to a cardiologists, get testing and scheduled for surgery. Amazing to me that it takes that long!

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