Thursday, June 28

You might be a Hoosier if...

You drive for three hours and the scenery outside doesn't change. There's three feet of snow on the ground and school is still in session. You only go to the mall once a year 'cause it takes too long to get there. While driving all you see is corn. People still have Christmas decorations up at Easter. You start saying to yourself "More than corn in Indiana my butt." Anyone with a cell phone looks out of place. Walking through Wal-Mart with two carts full of kids is normal. Anyone with a tan is rich. The hip hang-out place is McDonald's. There really is more than corn in Indiana. Theres soybeans, too. When you plan an kegger and a Euchre game breaks out. A restaurant has an invisible wall in the non-smoking section and you believe it works. Speeding consists of 2 miles over the speed limit. You think you don't have to use a turn signal on your car because you don't use it on your tractor. You build your dream house on a cornfield, and you considered it posh. You warsh your clothes and you think George Warshington was the first president. You're proud to be called a Hoosier, even if you don't know what one is. You have no problem spelling or pronouncing "Terre Haute" Detassling was your first job. Bailing hay, your second. You can stack hay, swim in the pond to clean off, and then have the strength to play a couple of games of hoops all in the same day. You say things like "catty-wumpus" and "kitty-corner". You own a dirtbike or a ATV. You live in a city ... and there's a cornfield in your backyard. High school basketball game draws a bigger crowd on the weekend nights than movie theaters. You can see at least 2 basketball hoops from your yard. You can name every one of Bob Knight's "exploits" over the last few years. You shop at Marsh. Damon Bailey was your childhood hero. The biggest question of your youth was "IU or Purdue?" Indianapolis is the "big city". "Getting caught by a train" is a legitimate excuse for being late to school. People at your high school chewed tobacco. Everyone knows who the town cop is, where he lives, and whether he is at home or on duty. You actually know what the CART vs IRL debate is about and have taken a side. To you, a raccoon is simply a "coon". The vehicle of choice in your area is not a car, but a pickup. Someone you know is BIG John Mellencamp fan. You've been to the Covered Bridge Festival. To you, a tenderloin is not an expensive cut of beef, but a big, salty, breaded piece of pork served on a bun with pickles. You call a green bell pepper a "mango". Sometimes, you call the toilet the "commode" or the "stool". In the fall, one of your favorite pranks was corning cars. You know what FFA and 4H stand for. You know what chip-and-seal is, and your high school was located on just such a road. You go the county fair every night of it's week-long duration. You can say "French Lick" without laughing out loud. There's actually a college near you named "Ball State." The last "g" is silent in any word ending in "ing." You think the state Bird is Larry. You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Indiana.

(Thank you to Vitto for this one!)

Wednesday, June 27

Thank you and Bubbles

Zoë's favorite words now are bubbles and thank you. She loves bubbles. We got a bubble machine and I think Matt likes it just as much as Zoë. The thing takes like 7 batteries and I think they have run down in 2 weeks time.

Also, thank you is another favorite. I just found out the other day it is because she is very sneaking and takes toys up on the climber at daycare. When they take them away they say thank you. So, if you take away a toy she will say thank you. It's kinda cute.

Monday, June 18

Great Weekend

We had such a great weekend. I started off picking Zoe up from daycare/school on Friday and she was in water play. She was hilarious. She was following around the hose and loved the water. When we got home Grammy and Grampy were there visiting. We grilled out and watched a movie.

Then on Saturday we went to the magic store. Grampy left that afternoon. Zoe played in her baby pool some and bubbles. Later on Grammy, and the Smith gang went down to the marina to check on the boat. Matt fixed his trolling motor and then we headed home for super.

Grammy left Sunday morning, but Erin got there soon after and we spent most of the day on the boat jetting around. We headed home and ate some supper and Zoe played a while. Daddy had a fun Father's day.

Friday, June 15


Zoë is finally walking at 15 months. She stands up on her own without holding on to anything and just walks. How amazing is that. I know when will be running so enough.

My favorite story about her learning to walk is when her buddy Jenna took her hand and walk her around the room at daycare. I didn't see it, but I heard it was adorable.

Monday, June 11

15 months and growing like a weed

So, Zoë is saying so many words I thought I needed to tell you all. Her favorite word right now is hi and bye bye. She loves to say is when anyone walks in or out of the room or when we put on our shoes. She is also now says Ella for her buddy at day care. In addition to her standard mama and dada words she also says, belly button, bubbles, Row row row (for row row row your boat), EI EI O, baby, quack quack, dog, moo, and mine. I know there are a bunch more words, but those are the ones off the top of my head.

We are walking 8 steps at a time and still wobbly, but we are getting there.

Monday, June 4

Zoe's famous

Zoe made it in the Cincinnati Enquirer for her adorable pig tails. We went to Summerbration in Blue Ash for the concert. Thank you Ashley for doing Zoe's hair.

Friday, June 1

So many to pick from...

Hi there. I love playing in the sand box. I get sand everywhere! I love to pour it on my leg and then rub it off. Yes, I am a texture girl.
Look at me eating an icee all by myself.
I can color now.
Me and Dana playing in the water table. What fun.

New Summer Daycare Pics

Zoe posed for Sara, but she would pose for the professional photographer that came in for pictures. What a character!
Look at at me, I am painting.
Mean face!
Me and my friend Jenna.
I love playing with these pegs. Stacking them on top of each other or just putting them in the holes.