Saturday, May 30

Memorial Day Weekend 1

What a silly picture Zoe!

This summer my parents will be married 50 years! Congrats to them!

Memorial Day Weekend 2

Mom and Dad's back yard
She was making a fishy face for the fish

She is a little scared of the fish...

Memorial Day Weekend 3

Memorial Day Weekend 4

If you look closely you can see Jayden's two bottom teeth.

Look at the little Bass Pro hat. Just chillin' with Aunt Sharon.
Look at this tiny pool Zoe was in. She loved it! My mom got it for her.

Coffee snob

So, I find myself saying that I don't drink coffee, but that isn't completely true. I like a good cup of joe from Panera's Hazelnut or the best of all is Starbucks Mocha. But when it comes to a regular cup from a coffee pot...I usually pass. I normally don't have a cup a day, but like one cup a month. So, I guess I should say I normally don't drink coffee. =)

Thursday, May 21


Jayden got his tubes this morning. He is doing great! They were a little worried with this constant congestion and brochiolitis, but he is doing fine.

Tuesday, May 5


Jayden has his appointment tomorrow with the ENT. It is his pre-test appointment for him to get tubes. He has has so many ear infections I have lost count. He is also been officially diagnosed with Asthma and continues nebulizer treatments for his brocholitis. He just a little weeze at this point, but still on steroids.

Swine Kiss

Someone sent this to me. I thought it was so cute. One way to avoid the swine flu......just kidding!!